The Diva had been encouraged to submit her website to "Socialspark" by one of her readers, so I figured...Hey, what the heck, why not? I love networking with other bloggers. Imagine my surprise when I received this message today from what ironically is called "Customer Love"

Dear Aging Disco Diva,
Thank you for your interest.
Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to approve your blog for the following reasons:
Blogs submitted may not include or support: excessive profanity, violence, or racial intolerance, illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia, pornography, adult or mature content, or any other content that promotes intolerance, illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others.
Though this is the case, worry not, as our Advertisers may still add you to their Street Teams, or contact you directly about other opportunities.
Once your blog meets all of our Terms of Service, please feel free to resubmit, and I shall review it again.

I was so friggin' offended by this email that I grabbed some champagne...oh....I get it... the Diva discussing her champagne chugging must be violent and or illegal...holy carp... they should see what I just did to that whole case of Godiva chocolates.

Well "Customer Love", the Diva would like you to know that you can:

Goodness! Pornography!
and that I will resubmit my blog for review when:

Mercy, such foul language!
All joking aside, I was royally offended by that email (I like to think I am, at my worst, a "PG" rating) I could care less if they "approve" my blog; I like it just fine, but to lump it in with hate and porno websites pissed (oops, there goes that excessive profanity again) me off. Though I do appreciate that reader encouraging me to join, I don't think Socialspark has developed their "humor" Mission Statement yet, and as such is obviously not ready for my fabulousness. Oh well, their loss. I think I will be sending my flying monkeys to take care of business.... oh wait a minute... that is promoting violence isn't it?

LOL the pictures have got me so cracked up. What a great post this is.
ReplyDeleteI was rejected by Blogexplosion, I wish I could have thought of such a fantastic reply as yours :)
ReplyDeleteHi April, thanks for the love, but we have to be careful that it is not considered illegal, LOL. I hope you have a fabu weekend!
ReplyDeleteHi lizsyt!
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing how my snarkiness factor elevates as my annoyance factor rises. If they had just said "Hey, Diva your friggin' blog friggin' sucks!" It would not have bothered me at all...but they about accused me a being a violent, foul mouthed, pervert (well, that is not all bad...but, heck not in public!) Time for more illegal activity: stuffing my face full of chocolate and washing it down with adult beverages. Yikes...there I go again, promoting obesity and alcoholism, LOL. Thanks so much for stopping by again :)
Ohh this is really their stupidity....in their rejection..I am in awe of yr blog...so vigorous, ...powerful...exciting......glamourous...for an aging diva...
ReplyDeleteJust drop by thru entrecard links....pls drop a link at my place...cheers.
I don't know Diva...possibly a PG 13 rating? JK. Actually they denied you because of the jealosy factor....they thought your wit out shone them!! Keep up the good work...I love your alter ego!
ReplyDeleteHi there! I tagged you on my post FAG TAG #10. pls tag back and don't forget to linkback for a ping. Go go Techie points! ^_^
ReplyDeleteAnd they don't even specify which Sins they find you guilty of, but merely provide a Reel of offenses. You are expected to Sift through your entries to see in what departments you went Astray.
ReplyDeleteWhat a two-fisted reply! "Our Advertisers may still add you to their Street Teams"??
Sucks to your Street Teams!
ROCK ON! I haven't laughed so hard in weeks!
ReplyDeleteHi sweet jasmine, thank you for the kind words! Hmmmmm...."for an aging disco diva"? Not sure how to take that so I might just have to send some flying monkeys your way ;) Have an awesome day and I will be dropping by your blog in a second!
ReplyDeleteHey Bingo! Are you ready for us to do our Thelma and Louise routine in Manhappiness tomorrow? Think we'll find any Brad Pitts hanging 'round? LOL I know all this Socialspark hate is because they are soooo jealous of my fabu exploding Pinto and my groovy platform shoes. But my motto is: "Don't hate me because I am so marvelous...just grovel and adore me!"
ReplyDeleteHi Lycobus, yes they were pretty non specific in reeling off my possible tawdry sins. I was a bit surprised the omitted "Aiding and abetting a known enemy combatant" to their list. I have this image of the Church Lady looking at my blog, pursing her lips and uttering "Now, isn't that just special?" as she stamps it with a huge red "REJECTED" Thanks so much for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteHi Nicole, Thanks for the great praise... my mantra is "If I can't solve the world's ills, I will at least leave 'em laughing their arses off" Cheers!
ReplyDeleteFantastic pictures dude..really funny..
ReplyDeleteYou and me sister. We didn't want to go to their prom anyway, did we. Thanks for telling them off.
ReplyDeleteSo you too received the 'rejected' email from Socialspark!
ReplyDeleteI'd only just finished typing my 'pissed off' blog http://buffysblog.com/bitchin/i-thrive-on-rejection when I came across an even worse 'Socialspark' story over at http://www.feelingflirty.com/social-spark-sucks/
She got 'ripped off' not just rejected!
Time to boycott them!
I'll show them 'Customer Love'! grrr!!
Hey Buffy...you and I need to find out where "Customer Love" lives so we can knock on their door, turn around, drop our drawers and tell them to plant a big wet one on our buttocks. Maybe we need to start a SocialSpark "Reject Club" I bet we would have a hell of a better time than those who are considered "acceptable" LOL. Thanks for stopping by again.
ReplyDeleteHi Chelsea FC-True Blue, the Diva is not sure she has ever been called a dude, but she finds it strangely exciting, LOL. Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteHey deb... we don't need no stinkin' prom...but let's make sure Carrie goes and we will tell her SocialSpark provided the pig blood that John Travolta drops on her..tee hee hee. Thanks for stopping by again :)
ReplyDeletethey wont take me either. so dont feel bad!. I was also told by another place that my blog had ponorgraphic material. That made me laugh!
ReplyDeleteHi Amyoops.... you really have to wonder if anyone on this SocialSpark "judge and jury" is actually READING the blog content or merely making snap decisions based upon a blog's title or the blog's description/blurb. My blog has never been rejected for inappropriate content and/or flagged for being nasty. I stand by my assertion that this blog is pretty dang mild, you hear and see much worse on regular network television! It appears that all they really want are dry-as-toast "make millions by blogging now!" or "Here is a wonderful recipe I copied word from word from a cookbook" types of blogs, which are fine...but these type of blogs often lack in creativity or entertainment value. I love to stop and read blogs that entertain, amuse, or educate, etc. and I drop and run on the "make money" blogs... Only on blogs that catch my interest, or that I am a regular reader of, do I read the advertisements and click on ads if they interest me. Oh well. I am starting to wonder how successful SocialSpark is going to be if they are rejecting blogs for dubious reasons left and right. Thanks for stopping by again :)
ReplyDeleteThank for leaving the comment on my blog. Wow, I am actually a little annoyed with the fact that they called you offensive. From what I have read you are hysterical.
ReplyDeleteThey rejected me for what they called "wanting to make money" which I thought was funny because that is the purpose of signing up with their site. I emailed them and they approved me. I wonder what would happen if you emailed them and asked them to point out the offensive material- not that it matters, I am just curious to know what they found so bad.
The same thing happened to me!! Only with me they took my money twice (an error they said) and THEN they decided I had "adult content" and was declined.
ReplyDeleteDid they return my money? NO
Did they reply to my email? Only after 2 weeks.
Will they refund my money? They said yes but they can't be sure when.
What a waste of time they are.
Hi Mom on the Rise.
ReplyDeleteI have lost any desire to be part of SocialSpark and sent them an email Saturday asking that my profile be deleted and any record of my blog or username be completely erased from their website. I am still getting friend requests (though I deleted my blog information and changed my user name up there) I am hearing from way too many people who have had problems with money being taken and not returned, being rejected for spurious and vague reasons, etc. Further exploration on that website shows that they appear to want paid shills and any blogs that do not lend themselves to testimonials or reviews are being denied for various reasons. My blog is strictly for entertainment purposes and writing paid product reviews just does not fit my format. If I happen to make a few bucks a month from people clicking on my Google ads or through Project Wonderful then that is just the icing on my high calorie cake, LOL. Thanks so much for stopping by, I appreciate your kind words :)
Hi sexyoldbroad! I have heard the same thing happening to several other bloggers. At least I did not lose money in this whole situation. I sure hope you get your money returned...if not...you know what they say: "The pen is mightier than the sword" and perhaps we all need to start blogging about our negative experiences with SocialSparks as a warning to other bloggers.
ReplyDeleteHey Deev,
ReplyDeleteWhen you get that reject club thing going on, I will be the first one to turn up with a bottle of wine. Those people at SocialSpark eat nothing but fruitloops.