He's a very kinky guy
The kind you don't take home to mother
He will never let your spirits down
Once you get he off the street

According to his official biography on Cnn.com:
Richard Quest is one of the most instantly recognizable members of the CNN team; covering an extensive range of breaking news and business stories, as well as feature programming, he has become one of the network’s highest profile presenters. Quest’s dynamic and distinctive style has made him a unique figure in the field of business and news broadcasting.

Dynamic and distinctive don't even begin to describe him...
The 46-year-old British reporter was arrested on Friday in Central Park after breaking its 1am curfew. Mr Quest's lawyer said his client "did not realize" the park had a curfew from 1am to 6am.

but wait...it gets better:
Quest and a male associate were stopped at around 3:40 am by police and charged with loitering. That's when Quest freely admitted to having a controlled substance on him, telling a police officer at the scene: "I've got some meth in my pocket."

Not kinky enough, Aging Disco Diva, you say? Well I aim to please:

Citing law enforcement sources, a story in the New York Post this weekend alleged Quest had "a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals" and "a sex toy in his boot."

Hmmm... I bet there IS plenty of stuff on his home computer he "Rather not have his colleagues know about" Oops...too late!

The New York Post, in what may go down as one of the all-time great quotes reported "It wasn't immediately clear what the rope was for."
Holy carp on a stick....it wasn't clear why he had a rope tied around his manberries? Tweak .... tug ....tweak ....tug ....tweak ...tug ....

All twisted humor aside, meth is a nasty, nasty addiction and Mr. Quest has a long haul ahead of him if he wants to get clean. I wish him the best, but fail to understand why anyone would even be tempted to dabble in that sheyat.

Flying Monkey News
The Diva had a great time at the spring game Saturday spending time with Divo, The oldest Diva Princess, Prince Divo-in-law, the granddiva and granddivo, and even got the chance to visit some good friends.

CoCo during cocktail hour??
While visiting with my minions it became apparent that CoCoMonkey was upset about the lack of Eva Mendes pictorials and was also campaigning for a job promotion and raise. Wanting to quell a full scale monkey rebellion (they tend to fling pooh when angered) I did agree to pay him twice what I had been (twice of nothing is double nothing) and reward his loyal servitude with a big ole' fancy title..... so it is with great fanfare that I announce:

Available for immediate news release:
CoCoMonkey, a loyal flying monkey in the service of the Aging Disco Diva has hereby been awarded the title of " Imperator Legatus legionis" and is in charge of the Aging Dico Diva's Monkey Legion and Fire Brigade.
Seriously important stuff here people; the safety of the free world depends upon my monkeys keeping the Diva's champagne glass filled and properly chilled, the Godiva chocolate vault guarded and the exploding Pinto tuned up.
Seriously important stuff here people; the safety of the free world depends upon my monkeys keeping the Diva's champagne glass filled and properly chilled, the Godiva chocolate vault guarded and the exploding Pinto tuned up.

And here is your first paycheck CoCo:

Go get her CoCo...remember you have a 50-50 chance!
Technorati Tags: Richard Quest, central park, meth, cnn,
Congratulations to Cocomonkey. All of that Latin is just makin' me giddy!
ReplyDeleteHey Annski, it was great seeing ya Saturday. Do you think CoCo will let his new title go to his head ;) ?
ReplyDeleteYou realize that the Diva is so old that Latin was still a living language when she was but a wee lass?
Thanks for stopping by!
I love your sense of humor and your blog.
ReplyDeleteOur name was very popular in "those days" and I've gone through phases of being called every variation of our name.
Thanks for visiting my blog and I look forward to getting to know you.
Holy crack rock Diva. What a Loser. That's like my kid with the "I have some meth in my pocket." He needs to get out more. Or stay in more, more likely.
ReplyDeleteYou find the best photos eva!
I couldn't work out why yesterday afternoon I found myself humming 'Super freak' and now I've checked into your site today and have found the answer! I must have read it yesterday and subconsciously noted it. Thanks for that...I thought I was losing it!